Graphical User Interface (GUI)


gui.window “Calculate”end // show window
gui.window.max “Calculate”end // show maximized window

gui.table 2 3end // show table with 2 rows and 3 columns
gui.table.max 2 3end // show maximized table with 2 rows and 3 columns
  gui.table.cell 0 1 0 1end // show specific table cell

gui.notebookend // show notebook
gui.notebook.maxend // show maximized notebook “Page1”end // show notebook page

gui.vbox.minend // min width
gui.vbox.maxend // max width
gui.vbox.fillend // fill space with child’s
gui.hbox.minend // min width
gui.hbox.maxend // max width
gui.hbox.fillend // fill space with child’s



gui.image “image.png” // show image

gui.label “Hello” // show output
label := gui.label “Hello” // show updateable output

edit := gui.edit 12
edit := gui.edit.small 12
edit := gui.edit.full “name”

check := gui.checkbutton “name”
check := gui.uncheckbutton “name”

radio := gui.radiobutton “name”

combo := gui.combobutton “item 1” “item 2” “…”
combo := gui.combobutton “item 1|item 2|…”
combo := gui.combobutton “item 1#9item 2#9…” // see type array and array access

label := gui.update “New hello!” // label, edit…, check, radio – text


gui.button func “Click”
gui.button.left func // left arrow
gui.button.right func // right arrow
gui.button.up func // up arrow
gui.button.down func // down arrow

gui.button.image func “image.png”
gui.button.image.label func “image.png” “Click”
gui.button.label.image func “Click” “image.png”


dialog.message “Hello” // show message dialog
ok := dialog.choose “Choose” // show choose dialog

file := dialog.openfile “my.txt”
file := dialog.openfile “my.png” “All images:*.pnm;*.ppm;*.pgm;*.pbm;*.bmp|All files:*.*”
file := dialog.savefile “my.txt”
file := dialog.savefile “my.png” “All images:*.pnm;*.ppm;*.pgm;*.pbm;*.bmp|All files:*.*”
dir := dialog.opendir “dir”
dir := dialog.savedir “dir”