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Symposium “Faszien” 2017 in Coburg

We are represented with our presentation:

12.30 – 13.00 Uhr: Die RĂŒckenfaszien bei Mensch und Tier – relevant fĂŒr Lumbalschmerzen
Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer, Dr. Heiko Stark, Irina Mischewski, Jena

Medau Flyer Symposium-2017

Cloud2, Master, Image and Image3d updated

Cloud2, Master, Image and Image3d were updated with a new compiler version.

10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Biomechanik (DGfB)

We are represented with a poster at the meeting ‘10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Biomechanik (DGfB) – 2017’.

DGfB 2017

Our presentation – Postersession 3: Numerische Modelle (Do):

Stark, Andrada, Fischer – Ein dreidimensionales Modell des Bewegungsapparates des Hundes

Meeting – Active researchers of fascia 2017

Nice meeting at the castle Reisensburg!

Image-based Systems Biology & International Study Group for Systems Biology

We are represented with a poster in the workshop ‘Image-based Systems Biology – IbSB 2016’.

Our presentation:

Stark, Heidlauf, Neininger, Röhrle, Mundry & Kupczik – Reconstruction of muscle fascicle architecture from digital images: a combined texture mapping and streamline approach

And I was at the congress ‘International Study Group for Systems Biology – ISGSB 2016’.

Nice presentations!