International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM) 2016

We are represented with posters and presentations at the congress.

ICVM 2016

Our presentations:

Thu, Jun 30th (GEN1-3 – Salon C)

Arnold, Stark et al. Mammalian neck construction between variation and constraints

Fri, Jul 1st (POS2-22 – Grand Foyer)

Stark, Mundry et al. Reconstruction of muscle fascicle architecture from digital images: a combined texture mapping and streamline approach

Sun, Jul 3rd (XEN3-1 – Salon H)

Nyakatura, Stark Architecture of dorsovertebral muscles corresponds with derived function of the vertebral column during suspensory locomotion in two toed sloths (Mammalia: Xenarthra)

Cloud2 updated

Cloud2 was updated with the compiler optimization level 4 and bug fixes.
New: Clipboard with fixed decimals – look at data>clipboard.

Cloud2 – Version 11.06.15

A new article is online

Our new research article (Mathematical models for explaining the Warburg effect: a review focussed on ATP and biomass production.) is online (Biochemical Society Transactions).

Schuster S, Boley D, Möller P, Stark H, Kaleta C (2015) Review: Mathematical models for explaining the Warburg effect: a review focussed on ATP and biomass production. Biochemical Society Transactions 43 (6). DOI:10.1042/BST20150153 / ISSN:0300-5127

Cloud2 updated

Cloud2 was updated with a new compiler and bug fixes.
New: Point shapes – look at state>pref.

Cloud2 – Version 10.12.15

A new article is online

Our new research article (Causes of upregulation of glycolysis in lymphocytes upon stimulation. A comparison with other cell types.) is online (Biochimie).

Stark H, Fichtner M, König R, Lorkowski S, Schuster S (2015) Review: Causes of upregulation of glycolysis in lymphocytes upon stimulation. A comparison with other cell types. Biochimie 118: 185–194. DOI:10.1016/j.biochi.2015.09.017 / ISSN:0300-9084

A new article is online

Our new research article (Reconstruction of muscle fascicle architecture from iodine-enhanced microCT images: a combined texture mapping and streamline approach.) is online (Journal of Theoretical Biology).

Kupczik K, Stark H, Mundry R, Neininger F, Heidlauf T, Röhrle O (2015). Reconstruction of muscle fascicle architecture from iodine-enhanced microCT images: a combined texture mapping and streamline approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology. DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.06.034 / ISSN:0022-5193

A detailed description of the pattern recognition method (diffusion) you will find here.