A new article is online
Our new research article (Mathematical models for explaining the Warburg effect: a review focussed on ATP and biomass production.) is online (Biochemical Society Transactions).
Our new research article (Mathematical models for explaining the Warburg effect: a review focussed on ATP and biomass production.) is online (Biochemical Society Transactions).
Cloud2 was updated with a new compiler and bug fixes.
New: Point shapes – look at state>pref.
Cloud2 – Version 10.12.15
Our new research article (Causes of upregulation of glycolysis in lymphocytes upon stimulation. A comparison with other cell types.) is online (Biochimie).
Our new research article (Reconstruction of muscle fascicle architecture from iodine-enhanced microCT images: a combined texture mapping and streamline approach.) is online (Journal of Theoretical Biology).
A detailed description of the pattern recognition method (diffusion) you will find here.
I was there, despite the heat and train delays!
Our presented posters:
Cloud2 and Master were updated.
Cloud2 – Version 10.6.1
Master – Version 5.6.1
Image3d – Version 2.6.1
Minor bug fixes.