ESB 2015
I was there, despite the heat and train delays!
Our presented posters:
Software updated
Cloud2 and Master were updated.
Cloud2 – Version 10.6.1
Master – Version 5.6.1
Image3d – Version 2.6.1
Minor bug fixes.
A new article is online
Our new research article (Aberrant back muscle function correlates with intramuscular architecture of dorsovertebral muscles in two-toed sloths.) is online (Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift Für Säugetierkunde).
As special feature shows Mammalian Biology online our 3D model.
Software updated
Cloud2, Master and Transform2 were updated.
Cloud2 – Version 9.9.30 (now with a installer for windows)
Master – Version 4.9.30 (now with a installer for windows)
Transform2 – Version 11.8.5 (now also for MacOS)
A new program has been released: Image3d – Version 1.10.23
Image3d is a command line tool to process and evaluate spatial data (such as CT or MRI data). Additionally, it can process the resulting vector fields, point-vector-lines clouds (see cloud2) and mesh data (see transform2).
WCB 2014
I was there!
Our presented poster:
Nice presentations from and many other.
Cloud2 updated
Cloud2 was updated, now it has faster drawing routines.
New: Additional vector tools.
Cloud2 – Version 9.3.3