A new article is online

Our new research article (What can we learn from Einstein and Arrhenius about the optimal flow of our blood?) is online (BBA General Subjects).

Master and Cloud2 updated

Master and Cloud2 was updated, because an error had crept into the event handling. With this bug fix, both programs are more stable.

Cloud2 (Beta 2) – Version 8.8.26
Master – Version 3.8.26

A new article is online

Our new research article (Intramuscular architecture of the autochthonous back muscles in humans) is online (Journal of Anatomy).

Transform2 updated

Transform2 was updated to deal with the special STL format. Please note, the keyword ‘forall’ changed to ‘for’. With this is it possible to make loops over a set (100), range (10..100) or float range (10..100..0.5).

Transform2 (Beta 2) – Version 9.11.14

A new article is online

Our new research article (Comparison of various approaches to calculating the optimal hematocrit in vertebrates) is online (Journal of Applied Physiology).


IDW-online – german
Innovation report – english


Pasipoularides A (2012) Optimal hematocrit: a Procrustean bed for maximum oxygen transport rate?
Böning D, Maassen N, Pries AR (2012) The optimal hematocrit increases during exercise
Stark H, Schuster S (2012) Reply to Böning, Maassen, and Pries.

Congress – VIZBI 2012

I was at the congress VISUALIZING BIOLOGICAL DATA in Heidelberg, Germany. Here they could see our poster about the back muscles in humans.

Nice presentations:

  • http://scimaps.org/
  • http://sci.slis.indiana.edu/
  • http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/en/sp/tsunagari/