Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, and enzyme2)

Bug fixes and minor features added.

Installer Version 5.9.12

Main changes:

Cloud2 and master now have the capability to insert file and folder names via the [ctrl+f] and [ctrl-d] shortcuts.
Imagexd now has mask fields (scalar.1bit). Furthermore, it is now possible to fill zero holes with interpolated image values ( Additionally, the commands image.adjust and image.equal have been extended for rgb values. Therefore, it was possible to improve the textures of DigiTiB.


We are represented with a presentation at the 11th International conference on biomimetics and biohybrid systems:

11th International conference on biomimetics and biohybrid systems

Our presentation:

Tuesday 15:40 – SHORT TALKS A

ID 3: H. Stark, M. S. Fischer, E. Andrada – The modelling of different dog breeds on the basis of a validated model

Brain 2022

We are represented with a presentation at the 8th Annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting:

8th Annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting

Our presentation:

Tuesday 8:45pm – Poster session 2

ID 451: H. Stark, M. S. Fischer, E. Andrada – The modelling of different dog breeds on the basis of a validated model

New website

Our new working group page is now online.

Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, and enzyme2)

Bug fixes and small features added.

Installer Version 5.4.5

Main changes: ImageXd has now more grouping functions and better colored maximum projections.

A new article is online

Our new research article (A roadmap to reconstructing muscle architecture from CT data) is online (Integrative Organismal Biology).

Katzke J, Puchenkov P, Stark H, Economo EP (2022) A roadmap to reconstructing muscle architecture from CT data. Integrative Organismal Biology 4 (1), obac001. DOI:10.1093/iob/obac001 / EISSN:2517-4843