A new article is online
Our new research article (Tracking tendon fibers to their insertion – a 3D analysis of the Achilles tendon enthesis in mice) is online (Acta Biomaterialia).
Sartori J, Stark H (2020) Tracking tendon fibers to their insertion – a 3D analysis of the Achilles tendon enthesis in mice. Acta Biomaterialia. DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2020.05.001 / ISSN:1742-7061 |
Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2, vcfdumper)
Bug fixes and new features added (19.05.2020).
Main changes: For all, please look into the macros!
@cloud2: New color maps. See also the new script description!
@cloud2: New splitting options: curvature or torsion.
@imagexd: New image and scalar command (median).
@imagexd: Dual and triple energy CT reconstruction (scalar.intensity).
@imagexd: New GUI for stack calculations – dual-energy, triple energy, subtract, mean, median (combine.starkrats).
@Ximagexd & Xenzyme2: Added for GUI development.
@enzyme2: New commands for publication mining.
@fasta2max: Added to convert fasta data to protein susceptibilities.
@cloud2: Fixing the analytical calculation for curvature and torsion (mesh>1d).
@imagexd & enzyme2: Now also correct loading with master.
Many thanks to Julian Sartori for his help!
Two new preview articles are online
Our new research articles (Influence of spatial structure on protein damage susceptibility – A bioinformatics approach) and (Tracking tendon fibers to their insertion – a 3D analysis of the Achilles tendon enthesis in mice) are online as preprint (bioRxiv).
Fichtner M, Schuster S & Stark H (2020) Influence of spatial structure on protein damage susceptibility – A bioinformatics approach. BioRxiv:2020.03.03.973099; DOI:10.1101/2020.03.03.973099
Sartori J & Stark H (2020) Tracking tendon fibers to their insertion – a 3D analysis of the Achilles tendon enthesis in mice. BioRxiv:2020.02.25.964759; DOI:10.1101/2020.02.25.964759
Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2, vcfdumper)
Bug fixes and new features added (28.02.2020).
Many thanks to Julian Sartori for his help!
Main changes: For all, please look into the macros!
@imagexd: New image adjusts tools (image.setadjust…).
@imagexd: A new streamline condition (vector.stream.stop.contrast).
@imagexd: Diffusion calculation – 3 times faster.
@imagexd: More statistics for scalar.
@cloud2: Lines materials are now saved.
@cloud2: More tools to store additional parameters of lines (in t – angle, tortuosity, curvature or torsion).
@cloud2: Fixing the derivation calculation (affects curvature and torsion).
@All: PNG can now also save large images
µCT Workshop
We are represented with a presentation at the workshop:
5. Jenaer µCT-Workshop
Our presentation:
Wednesday 20th November, 14:50
Sartori J and Stark H – Bildgebung und Softwaretools zur Darstellung faseriger Strukturen (Sehnen und Muskulatur) als Basis mechanischer Simulationen.
A new article is online
Our new research article (Muscle internal structure revealed by contrast-enhanced µCT and fibre recognition: The hindlimb extensors of an arboreal and a fossorial squirrel) is online (Mammalian Biology).
Nyakatura JA, Baumgarten R, Baum D, Stark H, Youlatos D (2019) Muscle internal structure revealed by contrast-enhanced µCT and fibre recognition: The hindlimb extensors of an arboreal and a fossorial squirrel. Mammalian Biology 99: 71-80. DOI:10.1016/j.mambio.2019.10.007 / ISSN:1616-5047 |