
Enzyme2 is a command-line tool for processing and evaluating metabolic networks and microarray data. It uses the Affymetrix (Microarray), BioCyc (Pathway/Genome), and GO (Ontology) databases.

A number of relevant tools can be used in combination with enzyme2 for metabolic networks and microarray data analysis: Bioconductor, Cytoscape, Galaxy, Mayday, MeV, or Vanted.

Version 14.3.14

For command documentation, start the program for the first time. enzyme2.macro is created with a complete list of commands.

This program is owned by Heiko Stark. It can be used free of charge for non-commercial use. For the common citations in publications, please use the following entry “Enzyme2 software (Heiko Stark, Jena, Germany, URL: https://starkrats.de)”.

▸ Downloads

An installer for Windows and Linux can be found here: Software

enzyme2 64bit AVX (Windows & Wine/Darwine)
enzyme2 64bit (Windows & Wine/Darwine)
enzyme2 32bit (Windows, ReactOS & Wine/Darwine)

enzyme2 64bit AVX (MacOS X & Darling)
enzyme2 64bit (MacOS X & Darling)
enzyme2 32bit (MacOS X & Darling)

enzyme2 64bit AVX (Linux)
enzyme2 64bit (Linux)
enzyme2 32bit (Linux)
enzyme2 aarch64 (Linux)
enzyme2 arm (Linux)

enzyme2 64bit AVX (FreeBSD)
enzyme2 64bit (FreeBSD)
enzyme2 32bit (FreeBSD)

enzyme2 64bit AVX (Solaris)
enzyme2 64bit (Solaris)
enzyme2 32bit (Solaris)

Note: Intel 32bit runs also on 64bit or 64bit AVX systems, but only with 4 GB memory!
Note: Intel 64bit runs also on 64bit AVX systems, but without Advanced Vector Extensions!


▸ Build database example

// This is a comment for the enzyme macro - you can use this macro like a programing language
// For more infos, please see https://stark-jena.de | enzyme
// Copyright (c) 2011-201 by Heiko Stark

load.metacycle "reactions.dat"
load.metacycle.compound "compounds.dat"
load.metacycle.enzyme "enzrxns.dat" // fill up enzyme names
load.metacycle.gene "genes.dat" // fill up gene names
load.metacycle.pathway "pathways.dat" // fill up pathway names

print "How many organisms? : " organism.size // only if you use more than one organism
print "How many metabolites? : " metabolite.size
print "How many reactions? : " reaction.size
print "How many enzymes? : " reaction.enzyme.size // only if you load additional enzymes (load.metacycle.enzyme)
print "How many reaction genes? : " reaction.gene.size // only if you load additional genes (load.metacycle.gene)
print "How many genes? : " regulator.gene.size // only if you load additional genes (load.metacycle.gene)
print "How many pathways? : " reaction.pathway.size // only if you load additional pathways (load.metacycle.pathway)

load.ontology "gene_ontology_ext.obo"
load.kegg "mmu.list"

database.save "database.fast" // full database

▸ Show database example

// This is a comment for the enzyme macro - you can use this macro like a programing language
// For more infos, please see https://stark-jena.de | enzyme
// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 by Heiko Stark

// Show statistics
metabolite.clearname := true // false S###S | true metabolite
metabolite.withlocation := true // false metabolite | true metabolite[?]

ifexists "database.fast"
	load.database "database.fast"
	print "No database found!"

print "How many organisms? : " organism.size // only if you use more than one organism
print "How many metabolites? : " metabolite.size
print "How many reactions? : " reaction.size

io.dir.hardchange "Complete"
print "Reactions: " pathway.size

pathway.save "pathway.list" index
pathway.save "pathway.eclist" ec
pathway.save "pathway.namelist" name
pathway.savepathways "pathways.name" sortname
pathway.savepathways "pathways.count" sortcount
pathway.savepathways "pathways.index" sortindex
pathway.savepathways "pathways.group" group
pathway.saveignore "pathwayignore.eclist" ec
pathway.savemetaused "pathwaymetaused.list" index
pathway.savemetaused "pathwaymetaused.namelist" name
pathway.savemetacount "pathwaymetacount.list" index
pathway.savemetacount "pathwaymetacount.namelist" name

metabolite.clearname := false
pathway.savemetatool "pathway.dat" index auto
metabolite.clearname := true

pathway.savemetatool "pathway.ecdat" ec auto
pathway.savegml "pathway.gml" 18

metabolite.clearname := false
reaction.save "reaction.idlist" index
metabolite.clearname := true

reaction.save "reaction.eclist" ec
reaction.save "reaction.list" index
// metabolite.sort // after sorting the metabolite the reaction is empty
metabolite.save "metabolite.list" index

▸ References

Used for the Gerontoshield project.

And used for these investigations:

Fichtner M, Schuster S & Stark H (2020) Determination of scoring functions for protein damage susceptibility. Biosystems 187: 104035. DOI:10.1016/J.BIOSYSTEMS.2019.104035 / ISSN:0303-2647

If you want to send me a bug report or have some suggestions about what future versions of ‘enzyme2’ should support, you can contact me either by email (bugs[@]starkrats[dot]de).