HNO-Kongress 2024
We are represented with a presentation at the 95. Jahresversammlung der DGHNO:
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
(Crossing Borders – Interdisziplinäre Forschung zur Behandlung der Fazialisparese)
Our presentation:
H. Stark – Funktionelle Untereinheiten der mimischen Muskulatur.

Internal Seminar
A summary of my work “Digital twins in biology” in the seminars of the
Department of Bioinformatics and Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
Blood flow
Human back
28. Erfurter Tage
We are represented with a presentation at the 28. Erfurter Tage:
28. Erfurter Tage 2023
(Symposium zur Prävention arbeitsbedingter Gesundheitsgefahren und Erkrankungen)
Our presentation:
H. Stark & M.S. Fischer – Entwicklung eines biomechanischen Ganzkörpermodells unter Berücksichtigung des menschlichen Bindegewebes.
Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2 and hexagon)
Bug fixes and features added.
Installer Version 6.11.24
Main changes:
@all: some optimizations
@imagexd: new functions
@imagexd: new functionality
absolute coordinates: -max..-1:inverse 0:center 1..max:normal
relative coordinates: -0.99999..-0.00001:inverse 0:center 0.00001..0.99999:normal
@cloud2: enhancement of rows and columns load
A new article is online
Our new research article (Game-theoretical description of the go-or-grow dichotomy in tumor development for various settings and parameter constellations) is online (Scientific Reports).
Dwivedi S, Glock C, Germerodt S, Stark H & Schuster S (2023) Game-theoretical description of the go-or-grow dichotomy in tumor development for various settings and parameter constellations. Scientific reports, 13(1), 16758. DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-43199-3 |
German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2023
We are represented with a presentation at the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2023:
Our poster presentation:
Wesp V., Scholz L., Schuster S., Stark H. – Which collagen types can crosslink with each other?