Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, and enzyme2)

Bug fixes and minor features added.

Installer Version 6.1.6

Main changes:
@imagexd: flip.x, flip.y, rotate.90, rotate.180, and rotate.270 added
@cloud2: new raw data import added

unsigned and signed int (8, 16, 32, 64 bit) and float (32, 64 bit)
with trigger
and gauss filter

@cloud2: new residues line grouping

Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2, vcfdumper)

Bug fixes and minor features added.

Installer Version 5.11.19

Main changes:
@imagexd: *.resize option added
@imagexd: image.between to highlight the difference between video frames
@script: new io.files.before and io.files.last

European Fascia Researcher Exchange Meeting (EFREM)

We are represented with a presentation at the European Fascia Researcher Exchange Meeting (EFREM):

Our presentation:

Heiko Stark, Dirk Arnold, Martin Krämer, Jürgen R. Reichenbach – Imaging of collagenous structures by using MRI with ultrashort echotimes

25. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe AKP

We are represented with a presentation at the 25. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte und Klinische Physiologie sowie Pathophysiologie (AKP) der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft and 7. Arbeitstagung Motodiagnostik – Mototherapie

Our presentation:

Saturday 9:30 – Anwendung bildgebender Verfahren auf das sensomotorische System

H. Stark, D. Arnold, M. Krämer, J.R. Reichenbach – Darstellung kollagenhaltiger Strukturen mittels MRT mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten

A new article is online

Our new research article (Limb, joint and pelvic kinematic control in the quail coping with steps upwards and downwards) is online (Scientific Reports).

Andrada, E., Mothes, O., Stark, H. et al. (2022) Limb, joint and pelvic kinematic control in the quail coping with steps upwards and downwards. Sci Rep 12, 15901. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-20247-y.

The complete statistics can be found at Statistics.

Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, and enzyme2)

Bug fixes and minor features added.

Installer Version 5.9.12

Main changes:

Cloud2 and master now have the capability to insert file and folder names via the [ctrl+f] and [ctrl-d] shortcuts.
Imagexd now has mask fields (scalar.1bit). Furthermore, it is now possible to fill zero holes with interpolated image values ( Additionally, the commands image.adjust and image.equal have been extended for rgb values. Therefore, it was possible to improve the textures of DigiTiB.