Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2 and hexagon)
Bug fixes and features added.
Installer Version 8.3.14
Main changes:
@all: Optimiziation
@all: math.stack
@all: list… table…
@all: functions without parameters
@imagexd: 2d diffusion
@imagexd: projection
2D Diffusion (ImageXd)

A new preview article is online.
Our new research article (The distribution of connective tissue in humans – Reconstruction and classification) is online as preprint (bioRxiv).
Stark H, Sartori J (2025) The distribution of connective tissue in humans – Reconstruction and classification. bioRxiv 2025.02.18.638801; DOI: 10.1101/2025.02.18.638801 |
A new preview article is online.
Our new research article (Control of limb loading during active horizontal perturbations at moderate and fast trots in rats) is online as preprint (bioRxiv).
Andrada E, Fischer MS, Stark H, Arnold D (2024) Control of limb loading during active horizontal perturbations at moderate and fast trots in rats. bioRxiv 2024.12.30.630770; DOI: 10.1101/2024.12.30.630770 |
20th anniversary
Twenty years of science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

6 funded projects
32 publications in journals
22 publications in edited books
Numerous presentations and posters in 10 countries (several times)
Teaching in a number of subjects
A new article is online
Our new review (Optimal hematocrit theory: a review) is online (Journal of Applied Physiology).
Software rebuild (cloud2, master, imagexd, enzyme2 and hexagon)
Bug fixes and features added.
Installer Version 7.8.26
Main changes:
@all: new Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) support
@all: better image loading and saving (Freeimage + ImageMagick)
@imagexd: new functions